Martine Masson
Martine Masson - Artiste Peintre
Uganda/Quality Hill/ion-images
Namibian Skies/National Art Gallery of Namibia, Windhoek/ion-images
Platform on the 18th/Pretoria/ion-images
In search of space & light/Association of Arts, Pretoria/ion-images
Markets/Sawadee Gallery, Abuja/ion-images
Ici/Ecurie des chèvres, Mase/ion-images
Drawings/Sawadee, Ecurie des Chèvres & Kosovo/ion-edit
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Martine Masson
Une peinture contemporaine, accessible, abstraite, ardente, innovante
Pink Polygon, Acrylic on canvas, 87 x 100, 2007
The Jar, Acrylic on canvas, 85 x 100, 2007
The Tree, Acrylic on canvas, 80 x 100, 2007
Blue Gold, Oil & Gold on canvas, 85 x 100 cm, 2007
Red Gold, Oil & Gold on canvas, 90 x 100, 2008